
Reklaimed has a sole purpose, to save items from the past, to sometimes refurbish, sometimes as is. We like to give a product a new lease of life. It’s surprising how an item that’s been lying in a garage or shed for years can be rediscovered and with a bit of TLC can be displayed or even reused as something different. There’s an old saying, “if it ain’t broken why fix it” It’s so easy these days to discard a classic or retro item that is often much better than the modern alternative. Luckily there are growing number of people that realise this and are more than happy to seek out and rediscover these timeless gems.


Specialists you can trust

Experience makes a real difference. As well as being treated with respect, our patients can rely on being given the best care that each professional has to offer. Our psychology services are always tailored to meet your requirements.
Consultant Clinical Psychologist
Richard von 
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association
T. Hugs 

A glass half empty... or a glass half full?

Do your negative emotions sometimes threaten to overwhelm you? You don’t have to allow depressing, negative thoughts to shape your life: the structure of your brain is constantly changing and your brain can be trained and molded to help you regulate and limit negative emotions. A carefully tailored program of mindfulness therapy can actually change its functional connectivity, replacing those negative images with positive thoughts of optimism and loving kindness.
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